From the editor: The Scientific Research Institute of Medical Parasitology and Tropical Medicine has discovered the real reason for the appearance of papillomas on the human body: parasitic infections. Recent studies have shown that vital products of parasites are toxic and form a good environment in the stomach for the development of slimy bacteria. For this exact reason, people infected with parasites may observe papillomas on their body.
We are going to discuss this medical problem with Emily Chang, Associate Professor of the Scientific Research Institute of Medical Parasitology and Tropical Medicine.
Dr. Emily, good day to you! I’ll start with the main question: Is it true that most of the US population is infested with parasites?
Dr. Emily: Yes. We occupy one of the leading positions in terms of infestation. Due to extremely poor ecological situation, inaction of authorities and indifference to people.
Every year, millions of people die due to diseases triggered by parasites. At the same time, if you look through death certificates, you will not see any 'death due to parasites' marks there. Exceptions are very rare and, as a rule, these are situations when it is impossible to ignore the infection, for example, the heart is clogged with worms. It is unprofitable for local medical authorities to recognize the high level of parasitic infestation and the fact that about 89% of all deaths are caused by parasites. In addition, diseases triggered by parasites force people to go to clinics and buy expensive drugs. This is a huge marketplace. I hope you can read between the lines and understand what I mean.
Correspondent: Dr. Emily, are papillomas really a sign of parasitic infections?
Dr. Emily: Yes. Several research groups agreed that the products of parasite excretion lead to the appearance of papillomas on human skin. Moreover, if you see papillomas on your skin, this means that parasites have already settled in your body and are actively laying eggs. This means, in fact, that every person who has papillomas on the skin is in mortal danger.
And again, about 89% of all deaths, including the so-called 'natural' ones have one reason - parasites, slowly eating a person from the inside.
Correspondent: So, usually parasites are helminths that can lead to papillomas appearing on the skin. How can they cause death?
Dr. Emily: In reality, that’s a big misconception to think that a person’s parasites can only be worms. There exists a huge number of different kinds of parasites living in various organs, which lead to the greatest variety of consequences. In addition, worms, or more notably helminths, are quite dangerous. They literally destroy the intestines, leading to their rotting and then a mortal outcome. By the way, even helminths are hard to discover and eliminate.
Along with them, there are thousands of parasites that can live in your liver, brain, lungs, blood, and stomach. And almost all of them are deadly. Some of them immediately start acting aggressively and destroying the body. Other parasites live unnoticed until their number becomes so great that the body can no longer resist them, so the person dies. They cause a range of fatal complications: heart attacks, cancerous tumors, cirrhosis of the liver, nephritis, decomposition of the kidneys, etc.
At the same time, I can confidently say that practically everyone is infected with parasites. The thing is, most of them are extremely difficult to detect. And when the consequences of a parasitic infection become noticeable, doctors try to eliminate them. Even during the autopsy of a body, special tests are required to detect parasites. At least for most of them.
The only universal symptom that accurately determines a parasitic infection in the human body are papillomas.
Correspondent: Can you give some specific examples of medical cases of infestation?
Dr. Emily: I could tell you about hundreds of cases. But, perhaps, I will focus on those examples that clearly demonstrate the dangers of parasites.
1. The situation with a happy ending. The patient complained of occasional abdominal pains. Examination showed that his entire intestine was clogged with worms. They literally dug a labyrinth in there, the process of decay began, and the person was close to sepsis. During the operation, part of the intestines was removed, worms were cleaned, and decaying tissues were removed. And after a week in intensive care, the patient felt better.
2. The uterus with a colony of parasites inside. Unfortunately, it was no longer possible to remove them, since the parasites and their larvae completely filled the uterus and increased it in volume, by several times. Therefore, it had to be removed. The woman was saved. The poisoning of the body was too severe, she underwent specialized therapy after the removal of the uterus, but she died in 3 years.
3. Echinococcal cysts of the heart. The disease was detected too late. The attending physician believed that the man simply had coronary heart disease and angina, but the truth was much more cruel. Surgery was useless, conservative treatment did not help either. A heart transplant also did not work - there were no donors. As a result, the patient died without regaining consciousness.
Correspondent: How can a person understand that he is infected with parasites?
Dr. Emily: Unfortunately, it can be stated that there are no sure methods of diagnosing parasites inside humans. Partly, this is due to the existence of so many types of parasites (more than 2000 species of which are known), and partly to a very high level of difficulty of their detection. A full parasite exam can be carried out in just a few places in the US, and costs huge money.
The first symptoms that show the presence of parasites in the body:
- Papillomas;
- Bad breath;
- Allergies (rashes, watery eyes, runny nose);
- Rashes and redness on the skin;
- Frequent colds, sore throat, nasal congestion;
- Chronic fatigue (you get tired quickly, no matter what you do);
- Frequent headaches;
- Constipation or diarrhea;
- Pain in joints and muscles;
- Nervousness, insomnia and appetite disorders;
- Dark circles, bags under the eyes;
If at least one of the symptoms is observed, then there is a 99% likelihood there are parasites in your body. And you need to get rid of them as soon as possible!
Correspondent: How can people get rid of parasites and protect themselves?
The current situation with medications for treating parasite infestation is quite problematic. Of course, there are some highly specialized drugs that can cleanse the body from helminths. There are more or less effective drugs against certain types of heartworms and liver parasites. The main problem with them is that they affect only one particular type of parasites. While each person is infected with 7-8 species, at least. If we take the average numbers, we get 11-14 types of parasites for each infected person.
To date, there is only one solution that allows to get rid of parasites. The antiparasitic medication is called Parasi Cleaner. Clinical trials have shown amazing results. Export of the remedy is prohibited up to the moment until the drug is fully provided for the population of the US.
Correspondent: What makes Parasi Cleaner so special? What's the difference between this medication and other antiparasitic products?
Dr. Emily: As I already said, to date, this is the only working antiparasitic solution in the entire world. It helps to fully get rid of parasites. That is why it is so sought after by international pharmacy chains and pharmaceutical companies. Compared to other antiparasitic drugs, it works directly against the entire range of parasites that could infect a human body. Considering the problems with diagnosis, this allows you to effectively cleanse the whole body. I mentioned before that it is almost impossible to detect what kind of parasites have infected the body. And Parasi Cleaner destroys and removes all the parasites living anywhere in the body - from the brain and the heart to the liver and the intestines. No other drug available today is capable of this.
Besides, it is not a chemical drug, but a completely natural product, which eliminates allergic reactions, intestinal flora imbalance and other problems that can arise when treating a disease with classical pills and making the body process a lot of various chemical compounds.
manufacturer has launched a special program, thanks to which the remedy is now available at a 50%
This is a time-limited offer.
Parasi Cleaner
can be ordered on the
official website
1. The effectiveness of Parasi Cleaner calculated using the standard technique
(ratio of number of recoveries against the total number of patients in a group of
100 people who were treated with the remedy):
- Elimination of helminths and eggs: 99%
- Normalisation of the function and condition of the pancreas: 80%
- Elimination of allergic dermatitis: 90%
- Elimination of gastritis, ulcers, diarrhea: 90%
- Elimination of anemia: 99%
- Elimination of papillomas and warts: 99%.
2. No negative side effects, including allergic reactions, have been
3. Parasi Cleaner is recognized as the leading remedy in the fight against
parasites within the human body.
In addition to the US, the remedy was certified in Europe at the University of Parasitology in Paris. Clinical trials have fully confirmed the British data. The French have even reported a higher percentage of convalescents. At the moment, the cycles of clinical research in China, Japan and Vietnam are being completed. Asian countries have a very keen interest in the remedy. All tests without exception have shown that the product has an extremely high level of efficiency.
Correspondent: I think our readers would like to know where to purchase Parasi Cleaner at a discount?
Dr. Emily: This is a limited-time offer. And it is only available for specific regions now. As I mentioned before, Parasi Cleaner can be purchased at a 50% discount.
All you need to do to get Parasi Cleaner is to leave a request on the website , specifying your name and phone number so that the operator can contact you. If you see that there is an option to leave a request, this means that the remedy is still in stock. I personally guarantee that all people who have left requests on the website will receive their orders.
Correspondent: Dr. Emily, would you like to tell something to our readers before we finish our interview?
Dr. Emily: The only thing I want to say is, take care of your health. You may not suspect this, but parasites live inside you with a probability of 97-98%. They can be anywhere - in the blood, intestines, lungs, heart, brain. Parasites are literally eating you from the inside while poisoning your body at the same time. As a result, there are numerous health problems which can reduce life by 15-25 years. I'm not even going to mention the problem of sudden deaths, which is usually associated with the effects of parasites on the human body. Do not wait until it is too late. Cleanse your body right now.
Our website offers promotional discounts for Parasi Cleaner purchases. Try your luck by pressing the SPIN button. If you are lucky, you will be able to buy this product cheaper than usual! Good luck!
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I gave this product a go. I had lots of papillomas on my neck and armpits. By the fifth day I could tell that their number reduced. Also, my stomach functioned better.
I also ordered myself Parasi Cleaner . It was delivered by courier the following day. I had many papillomas on my neck. Started taking it and you have absolutely no idea what started coming out of me... I couldn't even imagine such an amount of creatures living somewhere in my intestine. I don't even want to think about it now... it's horrifying.
Guys, can you imagine! I saw worms in my baby's pot. Totally disgusting!! I was terrified. My friend had the same problem not so long ago and she recommended me to try Parasi Cleaner. I immediately placed an order on the official website. Lots of dead worms came out from my child! After we completed the course, we went to the doctor and he said the baby had no more helminths. Parasi Cleaner works wonders. The good thing is that my son did not even understand he had some problem. This is what I saw in a pot for the first time (not for the faint-hearted!):
Thank you so much! When I started taking Parasi Cleaner I couldn't imagine that I would ever get such a result. The pain in my stomach is gone now (I guess there was something living there), shortness of breath and papillomas disappeared. And now, at 53, I feel better than any 30-year-old would. Thank you for telling people about the problem. They won't ever hear such a valuable info from their local therapist.
Regards, Dr. Emily
I just placed my order. The parcel should be delivered within just a week. Cannot wait!
I used to have splitting headaches and papillomas. I took Parasi Cleaner for a couple of weeks, and the problems are gone. I now can't help thinking... What lived in there?
Regards, Dr. Emily
Regards, Dr. Emily
I saw the product in a private pharmacy, it cost 300 dollars! Fortunately, I ordered it with a discount from the official website.
Regards, Dr. Emily
Regards, Dr. Emily
And, please, beware of fakes.
Regards, Dr. Emily